My Harris Plan

Dear Harris Health Patient,
As a financial assistance program member [FAP], there are various eligibility levels under this program:
- Plan 1 Eligibility
- Self-Pay Eligibility
If you have been enrolled into Community Health Choice sponsored by Harris Health System your monthly premium is paid in FULL by Harris Health System! If you receive a call from the marketplace or another agent offering you a lower cost plan, please do not accept to have your plan changed as this will have a negative impact on your Financial Assistance Program with Harris Health System and Harris Health will NOT be able to assist in paying for another plan.
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 855-996-9939, Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm.
Or call Harris Health Marketplace Hotline at 713-592-4900, Mon- Fri 8am – 4pm.
Thank you for your attention, and welcome onboard.
-Keystone Advisors Enrollment Team